ع العربية gtm@gtm.sa

Increasing production and improving the level of work and living for its members

Providing the necessary services in its area of ​​competence, spreading cooperative awareness among its members, and urging them to participate in 

Creating and developing cooperative relations between citizens

In its cooperative activity area, developing technical and organizational expertise and skills for its members and encouraging dealing with it by all available means

Raising the level of benefits for the members of the cooperative society

Improve the economic and social conditions of members by organizing their efforts according to the type of cooperative society activity and defending the rights of its members towards others

Contribute to developing the economic and social development of the country

Providing the necessary services in its jurisdiction and organizing access to loans of all kinds according to the need of its members or to finance its

who are we

Multipurpose cooperative society in Riyadh

The association was established in accordance with the system of cooperative societies issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 73 and the date of 3/3/1429 and the amendments to it and executive regulations issued by it and the provisions of the provisions of these regulations, which are (Multipurpose Cooperative Society 11/306).


Our association seeks to lead in cooperative work with a high professionalism

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the message

Work to provide cooperative services to contribute to improvement

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The association aims to improve the economic condition of its members

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Proficiency - cooperation - creativity - innovation - honesty

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Activities and events for the association


we choose for you

Multipurpose cooperative society in Riyadh

  • Saad Abdullah Al Mohsen

    Chairman of Board of Directors

    Saad Abdullah Al Mohsen

  • Abdullah Al Mohsen

    Member of the Board of Directors

    Abdullah Ibrahim Al Mohsen

  • Nahyan Barjas Sidr

    The Secretary General

    Nahyan Barjas Sidr

  • Member of the Board of Directors

    Mohammed Abdul Rahman Aldraweesh

  • Member of the Board of Directors

    Abdul Majeed Abdul Rahman Aba Al-Khail

  • Fahad Abdulaziz Al-Houti

    vice president

    Fahad Abdulaziz Al-Houti

all rights reserved copyright

Multipurpose cooperative society in Riyadh 2020